wildlife Education
Adopt a Bird
Education Programs
Support Our Education Programs
We’re proud to offer you the opportunity to support our educational programs by allowing you to “adopt” one of our public education animals. Your adoption fee helps to provide the continued care of “your animal.” Adoption fees help pay for food, veterinary care, and equipment expenses.
These animals have permanent disabilities that will not allow their release back into the wild. They are ambassadors for their species and provide an up-close view to learn about their injuries and characteristics.
Adopt a Bird Today
Adopting supports the care and feeding of that animal at our wildlife rehabilitation center. The adoptees remain at our facility, but you may “visit” and observe your animal on site during our annual October Open House or December Santa Claws event.
Adoptive parents receive an Adoption Certificate and 5”x 7” photo, which you can use for “bragging” rights.
Eagle adoption fee: $150
American Bald Eagle
“Frankie” came to OWL in 2015 as an immature male from the Grand Teton area of Wyoming after suffering a head injury. He is now a mature adult.
Golden Eagle
“Walker” came to OWL in 2018 from Wyoming after suffering a broken wing. She is now a mature adult with a typical golden mantle.
Falcon adoption fee: $50
Mr. G
American Kestrel
“Mr. G” came to OWL in 2006 from Wichita, Kansas after being imprinted as a fledgling. He has lots of energy and personality when he’s out for programs.
Mrs. G
American Kestrel
“Ms. G” came to OWL in 2006 after sustaining a wing injury. A dedicated substitute mom, she “fosters” young kestrels and raises several every year.
“Marge,” captive bred and born, was relinquished by a falconer to OWL in 2018. She is a gentle bird that loves to eat.
“Kurt” came to OWL in 2011 from Anchorage, Alaska. He suffered a wing injury and partial amputation of his left wing after flying into a plate glass window.
“Sally” came to OWL in 2016. During migration, she was hit by a car, which caused non-repairable wing damage.
Peregrine Falcon (Peale, subspecies of Peregrine)
“Pal” came to OWL in 2017, after flying into a power line and suffering a wing injury. He was rescued after landing in a farmer’s field.
“Sedona,” an adult female, came to OWL in 2004 from Arizona. She was injured when she hit a power line and dislocated the tendons and ligaments in the elbow of her right wing.
Prairie Falcon
“Jazz” came to OWL in 2006 from Wyoming. She suffered a wing fracture of the left humerus while still in the nest.
Hawk adoption fee: $100
Broad-winged Hawk
“Bob” came to OWL in 2016 from Nashville, Tennessee after suffering a wing injury during migration.
Broad-winged Hawk
“Ruth” came to OWL in 2017 after being injured in Kansas during migration.
Cooper’s Hawk
“Sarah” worked with a falconer in Kansas and came to OWL in 2002 after she suffered a broken wing.
Harris Hawk
“Shea” was relinquished to OWL by a falconer in 2018. He is one of the highly vocal birds in our group.
Harris Hawk
“Truman” came to OWL in 2004 from Arizona after being improperly imprinted.
Northern Harrier
“Carter” came to OWL in 2018 after she was found injured in the Carter Mountain area of Wyoming. She suffered an oblique fracture of the left humerus.
Red-Shouldered Hawk
As a fledgling, “Lucy” injured her right wing in the Florida Panhandle during hurricane Ivan in 2004. She came to OWL in 2006 from the Miami Science Center.
Red-tailed Hawk
“Foggy” came to OWL in 1995 from Bonner Springs, Kansas after being hit by a car. She is blind in her “foggy” left eye, which was injured in that accident.
Rough-legged Hawk
“Lois” came to OWL in 2016 from Wyoming. She sustained an ulna fracture near her right wrist joint. In addition, an x-ray revealed there were pellets in her chest and right leg.
Swainson’s Hawk
“JW”, a light morph Swainson’s Hawk, came to OWL in 2001. Probably hit by a car, he injured his right wing.
Swainson’s Hawk
“Rex”, a dark morph Swainson’s hawk, came to OWL in 2016. He was kept in captivity with an untreated wing injury. The injury was not repairable by the time he was turned over to OWL.
Owl adoption fee: $75
Barn Owl
“Mystique” came to OWL in 2012 after she was hit by a car, which damaged her left wing.
Barn Owl
“Gizmo”, an adult male, came to OWL in 2012 from Arizona. “Gizmo” displays the striking white under-wing and chest feathers, which give these owls their nickname of “Ghost Owls.”
Barred Owl
“Bardley” came to OWL in 2005 when he was hit by a car in Johnson County. He sustained a head injury and lost his left eye. “Bardley” is a good foster bird for pre-release, juvenile barred owls.
Barred Owl
“Josie” came to OWL in 1994. She sustained a head injury after being hit by a semi-trailer truck in southwest Kansas, resulting in the loss of her left eye and a detached retina in the right eye. She is an amazing foster mom for many owlets every year.
Eastern Screech Owl
“Chief” came to OWL in 2019 after being hit by a car. His right eye was injured.
Eastern Screech Owl
“Ric” came to OWL in 2016 from Nashville, Tennessee. He sustained an injury, which resulted in the loss of his left eye.
Great Horned Owl
“Danny” came to OWL in 2012 from Utah. He suffered a wing injury, which resulted in the partial amputation of his left wing.
Great Horned Owl
“Sunshine” came to OWL in 2012 after being injured locally in Overland Park, Kansas. She is a very calm public education bird.
American Crow adoption fee: $50
American Crow
“Charlie” came to OWL in 2013 as an imprint after being trapped at South Park in Lawrence, Kansas. He is quite the character - an animated escape artist.
Kite adoption fee: $50
Mississippi Kite
“Miki” has a left wing fracture that healed improperly.
Turkey Vulture adoption fee: $100
Turkey Vulture
“Louie”, an imprinted Turkey Vulture, came to OWL in 2011 from Ketchikan, Alaska. He is an imprint, but we know little about how that occurred.
Becoming a member of our adopt a bird program is a great way to support our wildlife rehabilitation and educational efforts. But it also has some fantastic benefits for you!
Support an injured bird
Our Adopt-a-Bird program allows you to financially support an injured bird that can no longer survive on its own.
Educate people about birds
We use our birds in a variety of education programs, which teach kids and adults about wildlife.
Promote Operation WildLife’s mission
At OWL, we strive to protect and aid injured wild animals and give them a second chance to live a long, happy life.
Adopt a bird today
Meet Operation WildLife
Operation WildLife is the largest publicly funded clinic and wildlife rehabilitation service in Kansas. We receive thousands of wild animals each year and have release rates averaging 69%; that’s 20% higher than the national average!
Operation WildLIfe is supported entirely by donations, and DOES NOT receive funding from city, state or federal entities. We exist solely on the generosity of people like you that make it possible for us to continue providing veterinary care, food, and rehabilitation services for wild animals.