wildlife rehabilitation service

Whooo We Are

Whooo We Are

We are advocates for wildlife, providing professional rehabilitation services for injured and orphaned wild animals and wildlife education for citizens of northeast Kansas and northwest Missouri.

Operation WildLife (OWL) has been providing rehabilitation and veterinary services to injured and orphaned wild animals in northeast Kansas since 1989.

Largest in Kansas

According to Kansas Wildlife and Parks statistics, Operation WildLife is the largest publicly funded clinic and wildlife rehabilitation service in Kansas.

We receive thousands of wild animals each year and have release rates averaging 69%; that’s 20% higher than the national average!

Funded by donations

Operation WildLIfe is supported entirely by donations and DOES NOT receive any funding from city, state or federal entities.

We exist solely on the generosity of people like you that make it possible for us to continue providing veterinary care, food, and rehabilitation services for wild animals.

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Animals from all over

Our services cover nine Kansas counties or about 4,500 square miles.

Injured, orphaned or displaced animals are received from a variety of sources: Kansas Wildlife and Parks, Kansas Highway patrol and other law enforcement agencies, animal control officers, veterinarians, and private individuals.


When an animal is…

  • Hit by a car
  • Shot illegally
  • Poisoned
  • Injured by a trap, fence, window, power line or a fishhook
  • Displaced by construction
  • Caught by a cat or dog
  • Possessed illegally as a “pet”
  • …..nature’s course takes a cruel turn.

In cooperation with members of the community, local veterinarians, state and federal wildlife agencies, Operation WildLife (OWL) provides rehabilitation and a temporary haven for wild animals in need.

What we Provide

Caring for wild animals since 1989

As the largest wildlife rehabilitation service in Kansas, we act in the best interest of each animal we receive.  After emergency needs are met and the animal is stabilized, we design a program for total recovery. Steps in the recovery program include:

  • Medical attention including surgery, radiographs, physical therapy, etc
  • Special housing
  • Natural foods or close substitutes
  • “Siblings” and/or “foster parents” for juveniles

Since our founding, we’ve been providing these essential services to help wild animals be physically and behaviorally prepared to return to their natural habitat.

Our facility

The latest technology and resources

Our 4,000-square-foot rehabilitation and education facility enables us to be the best wildlife rescue in Kansas. Our facility is fully equipped with the latest technology and resources, including:

  • A surgical suite
  • An isolation room
  • Treatment and diagnostic areas
  • A laboratory
  • Flight pens
  • Outdoor enclosures
  • A water garden
  • A songbird habitat
  • And more

Take a Virtual Tour

Whooo We Serve

Our services cover nine Kansas counties or about 4,500 square miles. Injured, orphaned or displaced animals are received from a variety of sources: Kansas Wildlife and Parks, Kansas Highway patrol and other law enforcement agencies, animal control officers, veterinarians and private individuals.

OWL is licensed to care for all state and federally protected wildlife except for the following –

  • Adult skunks for odoriferous reasons.
  • Adult deer not allowed by state.
  • Venomous snakes, for obvious reasons.
  • Non-protected species – European starlings, English house sparrows, pigeons.

Contact Operation WildLife today for more information.

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